The sequential index, which suffixes the file name, is generated by the binding and stored in the file specified by "Sequence file". 作为文件名后缀的顺序索引由绑定生成,且存储在“Sequencefile”指定的文件中。
Multiple Record Detection policies ( Whole File, Fixed Length, Delimited, Parsed Record Sequence) are supplied which determine how the input file's content should be handled by a message flow. 提供了多记录检测策略(WholeFile、FixedLength、Delimited、ParsedRecordSequence),这些策略确定消息流应该如何处理输入文件的内容。
Of course, you could deconstruct a complex sequence into multiple individual steps, each with its own interim output file. 当然,可以把复杂的序列分解为多个单独的步骤,每个步骤有自己的中间输出文件。
In our example "include" is found, and the JSP container knows that the next character sequence must be "file=" since that is the only valid attribute for the include directive. 在我们的示例中将找到“include”,JSP容器知道下一个字符序列一定为“file=”,因为include指令只有一个有效属性。
Cat is short for concatenate, and can be used to sequence several files together into a larger file. cat是concatenate的简写,还可以将一系列的文件合并为一个大文件。
If the program has more than one occurrence of the opcode, try to find the sequence printed by the handler code in the dump file. 如果这个程序中一条操作码出现了多次,请尝试在dump文件中寻找处理程序代码所打印的序列。
Each test sequence was run six times for each file system, three times on properly aligned and three times on improperly aligned partitions. 每个测试序列对每个文件系统运行6次,对合理对齐的分区运行3次,对未合理对齐的分区运行3次。
The parser will take as its input an existing message definition and the sequence of data in the file. 解析器会将其输入视为文件的现有消息定义和数据的序列。
Is a sequence number or the date that's required to ensure that each file placed on the testcase server is unique. 是确保放在Testcase服务器上的每个文件唯一性所需的序列号或日期。
To save the stdout of a command sequence and view it at the same time, use less-O file. 要在保存命令序列的stdout同时进行查看,可使用less-Ofile。
Alternatively, you can use> to save the output of the entire sequence to a file ( destroying the existing contents of the file, if any). 此外,您还可使用>来将整个命令序列的输出结果保存到一个文件中(这将覆盖现有的文件内容)。
The basic sequence for moving a file system, or for placing an existing directory onto a new file system, is as follows 移动文件系统或将现有的目录移动到新的文件系统,基本操作序列如下
Now you need an activity to check how many files are in the output directory so that you can add the appropriate sequence number in the output file name 现在需要一个活动来检查输出目录中的文件数,以便在输出文件名中添加相应的序列号
( Vim only): If invoked with the-u option followed by the name of a configuration file, Vim ignores the rest of its configuration sequence and loads only settings from the specified file. (仅限Vim):如果使用-u选项进行调用,后面紧跟配置文件的名称,Vim会忽略其余配置序列,而仅从指定文件加载设置。
In the IFS, the files exist as a sequence of bytes without any data format specified by the file attributes. 在IFS中,文件的存在形式是一个字节序列,没有任何由文件属性指定的数据格式。
The version number, which identifies its sequence among other versions of the same file. 版本号,用来标识该版本在相同文件的其他版本中的序列。
It stores each file as a sequence of blocks; all blocks in a file except the last block are the same size. 它将每个文件存储成block序列,除了最后一个block,所有的block都是同样的大小。
Encoding: The byte ( or sequence of bytes) representing each character in an HTML or plain text file. 编码:表示HTML或纯文本文件中每个字符的字节(或字节序列)。
To select adjacent files in the open dialog box, click the first file in the sequence, and then hold down shift and click the last file. 若要选取“打开”对话框中相邻的文件,请单击序列中的第一个文件,再按住shift并单击最后一个文件。
For a set of file backups, the sequence of log backups must extend from the start of a full set of file backups. 对于一组文件备份,日志备份序列必须从整组文件备份的开头开始延续。
Indicates the generation sequence number of the last log file that has been copied. 指示已复制的上一个日志文件的生成序号。
For each box sequence in the input file, output the length of the longest nesting string on one line followed on the next line by a list of the boxes that comprise this string in order. 对应输入的每个盒子序列,应在第一行输出最长的嵌套串长度,在下一行按顺序输入组成这个嵌套串的盒子列表。
Through the analysis of the access behaviors of users in NAS devices, the characteristics of sequence information in processes of file requests are studied. Scheduling of processes and realization of system calls are carefully researched, and an experiential formula of time for file requests is summarized. 通过分析NAS设备用户的文件访问行为,对文件请求进程中序列化信息的特点进行了研究,重点针对进程的调度及系统调用的实现进行深入研究,总结出文件请求时间的经验公式。
An Approach to Random Searching of the Records and Data Terms on Sequence File 随机检索顺序文件记录和数据项的方法
MP4 in streaming format. One MP4 file consists of timing, structure, media information such as video and audio express which are related to the timing sequence of the file media data, and are connected with each other by track technology. MP4文件包含了与媒体数据时间序列相关的时间、结构、媒体信息(例如音频/视频表达文件),并通过轨道将它们联系在一起。
The process of extracting API calling sequence from a running program is very complicated. In this paper the executable file format on Windows system and the process of Windows loading an executable file are firstly discussed in detail. 由于提取程序在运行过程中所调用的API过程比较复杂,本文首先介绍了Windows系统中可执行文件的格式以及Windows加载器加载一个可执行文件的过程。
The downloading client end will then download the corresponding video sequences of the high bit rate video files according to the video sequence index table, and put them together into a video file that can be smoothly played. 视频下载客户端根据视频序列索引表下载高码流视频文件中相应的视频序列,并拼装成一个可流畅播放的视频文件。
The thesis gave the implementation mechanism of the operation sequence and the definition of the XML file with specific format which is the persistence-form of the operation sequence also was given. 给出了操作序列的实现机制,将操作序列持久化为一个XML格式的汇聚文件。
When the test suites executing in proxy component system, the probes record the invocation sequence of each method in a log file. 在代理组件系统环境中执行测试用例时,探针会记录测试用例的方法执行信息,并保存在日志文件中。
The workflow engine processes the actual promoter sequence according to certain rules, through definition file by parsing process control data, and then based on a good variety of pre-defined rules to guide the process execution. 工作流引擎是流程按照一定规则顺序执行的实际推动者,它是通过解析流程定义文件得到了流程的控制数据,而后根据这里面预先定义好的各种规则来引导流程执行的。